凯迪拉克ATS试驾 | Test Drive Cadillac ATS
2.0T (270hp), FR (Front engine Rear wheel drive), 6AT, CUE (Cadillac User Experience) infotainment system.
Nice chassis provides great strength and structural integrity, quite strong power from the turbo charge 2.0 L4. Gearbox is not that good as critical partner of engine, kinda slow response during heavy acceleration, however everything’s becoming cool after 2 seconds. The interior is ok, space is a little limited (not much larger than a Chevy Cruze) but it’s good enough as a sport sedan. By the way, the Bose audio is something you gonna enjoy.
外观不评价,刀削尾……在下不太感冒。车身刚度和整体性不错,悬挂硬那是不上车都能猜到。2.0T L4十分给力,变速箱要2秒后才发作,迟滞较大(能不能给个MT啊)。内饰不错,空间不大,但作为运动车型那自然是足够了。还有,Bose音响,你会喜欢的。
- EF 24-105光圈不大,车外拍摄基本全开f/4.0。需要虚化时,尽量使用长焦端,并贴近目标拍摄。
- 车内拍摄,需适当收缩光圈,f/8.0 ~ f/11.0相对合理,因为你要拍清楚的东西不见得刚刚好100%平行于你的焦平面(比如上图中左右两侧按键),因此收缩光圈能让不那么平行的被摄体一起被拍清楚。
- 后期就是见仁见智的活儿了,无论如何都应该突出重点(运用亮度or色彩;运用光线还谈不上,棚拍或许可以,室外的话除非特殊时间和地点),让看片子的人知道你在强调什么,做到这一点就不失大格。