ESP32 + Microdot + uPy-uasyncio
This ESP32 and micropython-uasyncio based indoor ambient sensors are basically working as expected, with web-controlled OLED display, and a quite simple http api for other services like home assistant to query the realtime data. The multitasking runs on non-preempt Python coroutine, which is theoretically incompetent against those C + RTOS stuff, but it wins on simplicity from my point of view, so far at least.
Hardware components:
- NodeMCU (ESP32-WROOM-32E)
- 1.3 inch OLED (SH1106, SPI/I2C, 128×64)
- BME280 sensor (ambient temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure)
Software libs:
- Micropython 1.19.1 (for ESP32)
- Microdot (minimalistic Python web framework which supports uasyncio)
- Driver libs of all hardware components.
HTTP API test works well.
And… another version below also provides wired ethernet support (with an extra LAN8720 module), it looks not that tidy though.