
2024-02-27 作者:

Let’s talk about migration from lxd to incus. As for the reason, well I guess we have seen too much of this kinda “show” in the past half decade (just like CentOS to Rocky) so here is what happened in case you’re interested.

Technically I won’t take this as a tutorial since with the well-prepared tool lxd-to-incus by Stéphane Graber (Author of both lxd and incus) there’s nothing to do but simply running it, then everything seems working well.

PS: Tested PASS on both Debian Bookworm AMD64 (on Linux KVM based vm) and Armbian Bookworm ARM64 (on RK3566 based SBC).

这些年,同类剧本真是没少看。一言不合就闭源,一言不合就拉分支,完全不新鲜,具体就不多说了,开工干活。其实吧,作者给了迁移工具 lxd-to-incus ,所以实话说没啥可干的,执行一下就可以验证迁移后的结果了。

先检查系统现状。Check the system status at first.

然后根据文档,安装incus。Now install the incus (by Zabbly) according to the documentation.


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