
2022-02-10 作者:

During maintenance of a production server, we use to encounter a problem like this – an internet-access-blocked port, say 3306 (mysql), is about to be open for a little while due to debugging needs, which is not uncommon, right? So how to make this easily operated, mostly secure, and automatically disabled after working – I guess this’s gonna help somehow.

A Linux server with whatever the distribution including iptables (e.g. CentOS, Rocky for now as example), Nginx, fcgiwrap, a simple shell script and a commonly used web browser, let’s say chrome, will be major ingredients on the recipe.


昨天想了一招,用nginx操作shell脚本,对特定公网IP开口子,叫一声“芝麻开门”,便捷又安全。举例端口3306(mysql),系统是Rocky Linux 8(原CentOS 8)。

Doors of Durin

Doors of Durin

先查一下现有的防火墙规则,需要的话可以保存一下。换句话说,搞芝麻开门之前,先确定门是隐藏的;也即已经有相应(且持久化)的iptables rule确保到被保护端口的连接是DROP/REJECT状态。




接下来为一个新的nginx server准备个根目录,存放网页和之后控制iptables的脚本。

原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自渔人小径

本文链接地址: nginx控制iptables芝麻开门

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