基于 Raspberry Pi 4B 单臂路由

2023-04-30 作者:

Here we’re gonna talk about a hand-made router (NAT gateway) using a Raspberry Pi 4B with at least 3 implementations. Sorry the wifi router is not included since it’s kinda easy to find the tutorials about the hostapd stuff, and the signal from onboard wifi is not quite usable anyway.



Method #1: Several simple commands could simply turn the Pi OS to be a layer 3 device with SNAT (or MASQUERADE).

开个玩笑,起码还得先给LAN口设个固定地址,比如给eth0设置 ,那么上边<lan subnet>就应当是 。

如果还需要dhcp服务器(非必须)的话,去看一下dnsmasq,熟练工的话,基于一般的Pi OS手打路由只要10分钟(含参考文档)。


接下来就是自行编译OpenWrt的玩法,如果不想编,直接去官网下载预编译的镜像也完全ok。该镜像内置了基于Pi 4B的所有硬件驱动,也包括802.11nac的wifi支持,刷机后直接使用没有任何问题。

Method #2: Feel free to build the OpenWrt and run it on the bare metal Pi 4B, or a prebuilt image can be downloaded from OpenWrt official website then you don’t have to build that on your own.

默认设定是br-lan连接eth0,无wan口。因其为单臂路由(没有两张物理网卡),我把br-lan口连接改为 eth0.120 ,wan口设定为 eth0.12 ,当然交换机需要是802.1q VLAN switch,保存设置后正常上网就可以了。

PS:更改lan口vlan id设置的过程,最好走wifi,这样就不会在设置过程中断线。当然还有个选择就是把vlan id 1留给一个接口(无论wan还是lan),随意就好。

对单臂路由在内网进行iperf3带宽测试,MTU 1500就不改了,差不多可以跑满(下图右下)。由此可见,Pi 4B的全双工千兆网靠得住,作为单臂路由没问题,同时跑满带宽的资源消耗也不高。



2022-11-22 作者:

对于在板子手动重启时经常把ESP32带进下载模式的问题,LAN8720所需的上/下拉电阻恐怕是最大嫌犯。于是斥巨资近CNY 10元采购了万用板、线仔包和各种直/弯母座,终于搞了MKII —— 重启可靠性问题果然迎刃而解。

过程中,基于lxd的Debian in Debian做了套新环境,顺手也试了试C语言的esp-idf编译,用起来整体感觉很顺手。

RS232 connected with an lxc in raspberry pi 4b (not in pic)

Yes, it actually performs nicely to work on ESP32 development in debian bullseye LXD in Pi OS, no mater you’re working on hardcore C lang based esp-idf or the nice & easy micropython development.

“Hmm… so you need a standard Debian in a derived Debian? “

Well, since I found out that LXD is something very helpful to isolate different needs on different Linux distributions in different containers, while it kinda works pretty much like vm (instead of docker) since it’s easy to config the resources consumption or even usb devices pass-through, and the most important – having its own block storage which can be exported into a single archive.
Then, the only thing I can’t agree with, could be the deep connection with the snapd. Instead of switching to another distribution, such as Arch, I choose to build the LXD of my own (on both Pi OS aarch64 and Ubuntu 22.04 X86_64). Thanks to the good documentation, the stuff (native lxd without the snap crxp) works like a charm.

with Xfce and xrdp, the bullseye lxc can work as an esp dev server quite well



2022-01-07 作者:

硬件:SANTAK TG-BOX 600 + RPi 4B (2GB) + Huawei ME909s-821

监控服务:NUT(Network UPS Tools)参考文章挺多,就不详解了;Pi上连了4G模块主要是掉电时可能无法得到Wired Ethernet供应,就发个短信而已,不如直接走wwan靠谱省心。




2021-12-03 作者:

So here’s a quick example. OpenWrt shows capability to provide business-level internet access reliabilities – with not only load balancing/failover between 2 or more ISPs, but also VRRP based hardware (dual x86 vm in this experiment) level redundancy.





双WAN做好后,断开一路wan做测试。这里的wanb,用的是楼道里的不可靠wifi,通过Raspberry Pi向下路由一层转成有线网,能体现出不稳定的ISP接入状态。







DIY带外管理 · 强悍Pi-KVM

2021-09-27 作者:

Let’s talk about the open source IP-KVM (or KVM over IP) solution based on Raspberry Pi 4B, named Pi-KVM, which has sophisticated feature sets that can provide almost same experience like HP ILO or DELL iDRAC, only except the hardware monitoring and err logging.

  • Hardware screen capture with low latency.
  • OTG Keyboard & mouse; Mass Storage Drive emulation.
  • ATX power control (thru Pi GPIO) with some MOSFET relays.
  • RJ-45 and USB serial console port.
  • IPMI BMC, redfish… all those professional server stuff support.
  • Nice and easy-to-use web UI with virtual keyboard, video quality control, key-combination shortcuts and virtual USB drive control.
  • A fully featured, user-customizable Linux OS.


随便放两张Dell iDRAC系统截图吧。


  • 低延迟的显示器信号捕捉和传输(100ms以内)。
  • OTG 键鼠,U盘模拟;给家用机远程load OS不叫事儿。
  • 通过Pi GPIO外加几个继电器实现的ATX电源控制;不说也懂,控制不了电源还叫BMC么。
  • RJ45和USB串口;既能控制路由/交换,也能控制自己。
  • IPMI BMC,redfish… 专业能玩的,它都能玩。
  • 简洁实用的web控制台,软键盘、组合键、粘贴板、视频质量控制、虚拟USB驱动器控制,全乎+易用。
  • 除了所有以上之外,还是个全功能的Arch Linux ARM版本,灵活性刚刚的,这可把专用BMC打趴了吧。





如上所言,被控电脑经USB线连接仿真U盘,BIOS从Linux file-CD启动,无论装什么OS都能够顺利引导。



2021-07-23 作者:

This post talks about the frequently-happened X hang on the combination of newly updated Raspbian (Pi-OS) Buster and Raspberry Pi 4B, which was NEVER experienced on the Pi 3B (not 3B+) and same OS version after 30 + reboot tests.

PS: Pls note that’s X hang, not kernel hang or panic.

Summary: Pi 4B might has compatbilty issue with unbranded display that provides non-standard EDID info, which Pi 3B obviously has no problem to cooperate with.

本文聊一下最近颇为折磨的Pi 4B图形界面假死问题。当然,所谓假死就是X挂了,但kernel活着,从ssh可以很好的登录管理看日志的情况。

硬件是Pi 4B,操作系统是Raspbian (Pi-OS) Buster 升级最新。在上百次重启中,85%都会X hang。但有趣的是,Pi 3B(不是3B+)用同一块TF卡启动,测试30+次重启,无问题。

既然不是kernel hang,那么故障发生时总要看下log,所得如下:


就“Xorg Tainted”做了大量的检索,升级OS,升级eeprom都试过,依然无果。只能继续看log继续碰运气。
